Hi, I'm Olivia. I'm a multi-media creator based in New York City.
As a writer, editor, researcher, curator, and designer, I have produced articles, essays, series, exhibitions, audio docs, illustrations, curricula, videos, and toolkits about labor, housing, climate change, segregation, migration, incarceration, policing, reentry, stewardship, cemeteries, libraries, prisons, industrialization, waste management, disaster planning, grief, protest, mutual aid, unions, and debt, among other topics. Most recently, I've been a freelance curator focusing on environmental science, social history, and politics.
You can explore some of those projects here.
I also work as a freelance editor, writer, and researcher for organizations and individuals who need help distilling complex ideas into compelling narratives.
You can find more information about those freelance services here.
When not putting proverbial pen to apocryphal paper, I organize with the Freelance Solidarity Project / National Writers Union.
Get in touch: olivia [dot] schwob [at] gmail [dot] com